
Showing posts from April, 2023

Day 53

Day 53:  Today marks the 53rd day working at the library. Like every day, our primary task was to register and generate barcodes for their library books  The morning was dedicated to generating new sets of barcodes, which we completed successfully. It's always a satisfying feeling to finish a task early in the day. After the morning rush, we shifted our focus to registering books with their newly generated barcodes. The afternoon flew by, and before we knew it, the day had come to an end. As a well-deserved break, we took some time to enjoy a cup of coffee and a delicious sandwich. It was a refreshing break that helped us recharge our energy and be more productive for the remainder of the day. Overall, it was a successful day at the library.

Day 52

Day 52: Rainy Morning at the Library Despite the rain, we were determined to make the most of our day at the library. I started the day off with a warm cup of coffee and some bread, which helped me feel energized and ready to tackle the tasks ahead. After our coffee break, we got to work on our mentorship plan. It was a productive session, and we were able to make great progress towards our goals. We bounced ideas off each other, fine-tuned our plans. In the afternoon, we shifted our focus to registering barcodes. Although it may have seemed like a mundane task, we tackled it with enthusiasm and efficiency. By the end of the day, we had accomplished a lot and felt proud of our hard work. Overall, even though it was a rainy day, we made the most of our time at the library and accomplished a lot. It was a productive and fulfilling day, and I'm looking forward to more days like this in the future. Note: No photo available, forge t to document our work today.

Day 51

Day 51: Productive Wednesday Registering Barcodes for Books Today is Wednesday and I'm relieved that the electricity is finally back. With power restored, my colleagues and I were able to continue with our daily task of registering barcodes for books. We started early in the morning, fueled by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee during our break. After our short break, we were back at it, continuing to register barcodes throughout the afternoon. We took a break for lunch but quickly returned to our task, determined to make the most of the day. By the time we finished, we had registered an impressive 200 books - a great achievement in just one day. Overall, it was a productive day and we were grateful for the restored electricity that allowed us to carry out our work without any further interruptions.

Day 50

Day 50: Back to barcoding 50th day  Today marks my 50th day working at the library, but unfortunately, the electricity was still out when I arrived. This meant that our daily tasks of registering barcodes had to be put on hold until the power was restored. In the afternoon, the power finally came back on and we were able to resume our barcode registration work. It felt good to be productive again and we worked diligently until the end of the day. Despite the delay in the morning, we were able to make up for lost time and even managed to enjoy a quick coffee break before wrapping up for the day. It's always a good feeling to accomplish something, no matter how small it may seem.

Day 49

Day 49: University Library  Today is Monday and we returned to the library to register barcodes at books. However, upon arrival, we discovered that there was no electricity in the building, which is essential for our daily task. It was disappointing to encounter this hurdle, but we remained optimistic that the issue would be resolved soon. Unfortunately, the lack of electricity made the library uncomfortably hot, making it difficult to concentrate on our work. As a solution, we decided to relocate to the university library for the day, in the hopes that the electricity problem would be resolved by tomorrow.  We look forward to returning to the library tomorrow, with the anticipation that the electricity issue will be fixed, so that we can resume our regular tasks. 

Day 48

Day 48: Another Day With Power Outage  Today is Thursday, and I spent the day at the library. Unfortunately, there was a power outage, which prevented us from registering barcodes on the books. Without electricity, the library has no visitors. Despite the setback, I am looking forward to returning to the library next week and continuing tasks.

Day 47

Day 47:Making the Most of a Challenging Day at the Library Today is Wednesday, and I arrived at the library early as usual. However, I was disappointed to find out that there was a power outage, which prevented us from carrying out our daily tasks of registering barcodes on books. Despite this setback, my colleagues and I remained proactive and decided to make the most of our time. We spent the day assisting Ma'am Regina with various tasks, as well as helping students who visited the library. Overall, while the power outage may have disrupted our usual workflow, I was grateful for the opportunity to lend a helping hand to those in need. It was a productive day despite the setback, and I look forward to returning to our regular duties once the power is restored.

Day 46

Day 46: Barcodes  Book Registration Today is Tuesday, and yesterday we finished printing the newly generated barcodes. It was an exciting day as we eagerly awaited the arrival of the printed barcodes. Today, we started our day by carefully cutting the barcodes into small pieces to be used later when we begin registering new barcodes for our books. The cutting process required precision and attention to detail to ensure that each barcode was accurately separated without any damage. As we worked, we chatted and laughed, making the task enjoyable and lightening the mood in the office. Once we finished cutting all the new barcodes, we moved on to the next step - registering them on the books. It was a meticulous process that required us to scan each barcode and input the corresponding information into the system. It was gratifying to see the newly printed barcodes being affixed to the books, ready for circulation. In the afternoon, we took a well-deserved snack brea

Day 45

Day 45:  Barcoding Books My Daily Routine at the Library Today marks my 45th day at the library, and it's already scorching hot outside. Despite the rising temperature, we dive right into our usual tasks. Registering new barcodes for the library's books is our daily routine, and we are always motivated to tackle it with enthusiasm. In the morning, we kick-start our day by registering the new barcodes. It's a meticulous process that requires attention to detail, but we've become quite efficient at it over time. After a quick lunch break, we return to our tasks in the afternoon. With the new barcodes in hand, we start using them to label the books. It's satisfying to see the neatly printed labels adorning the books. However, there are times when we run out of barcodes due to the library's vast collection. But that's just a minor hiccup, as we quickly generate new sets of barcodes. As the day draws to a close, we finish our tasks by printing the new

Day 44

Day 44:  A Friday Filled with Productivity Finally, it's Friday, and I'm back at the library for another day of work. As soon as I walk in, I'm greeted by the familiar smell of books and the quiet hum of activities. Today, our main focus is registering barcodes for the library's collection. It may not sound like the most glamorous job, but it's an important one.  My colleagues and I work diligently,  inputting data into the sheet, and making sure everything is accurate. It's a repetitive task, but we're efficient and work well as a team. We take short breaks to stretch our legs. As the day goes on, we make steady progress. By the afternoon, we've registered a significant number of barcodes, and we're feeling accomplished.

Day 43

Day 43: Generating and Barcoding Today was a fantastic day at the library as we dove into our usual tasks of registering barcodes for books. We tackled the job with enthusiasm and efficiency, making significant progress. In fact, we successfully registered barcodes for a hundred books. Our morning was off to a swift start as we worked through our existing batch of barcodes, diligently scanning and recording them. As we completed each book, we eagerly generated a new batch of barcodes to keep the momentum going. The afternoon was just as productive as we continued to register new barcodes for more books. By the end of the day, we were satisfied with our accomplishments and ready to take a well-deserved break. We had a refreshing snack of coffee and sandwiches, enjoying a moment of relaxation before wrapping up our day at the library.

Day 42

Today marked our return to the library after a rejuvenating long weekend. The day kicked off with an exciting presentation to ma'am Flor, where we proudly showcased our accomplishment report. We detailed how we successfully regenerated barcodes for books and efficiently registered new barcodes, effectively streamlining the library's operations. Following the presentation, we delved into our usual tasks of registering barcodes for the books. With focused determination, we diligently worked through the afternoon, ensuring that each book was properly labeled and organized. It was a fulfilling day.