Day 14
Day 14: Lively Morning at the Library
It was a bustling day at the library, as numerous students from different courses, such as those from the College of Nursing and College of Medicine, had come to review and study. However, there was a slight change in the usual work routine as Ryan was absent due to his Capstone group's final defense preparations, and Vicente was on his way and would only arrive in the afternoon.
As the only trainee present in the morning, I received a request from Ma'am Regina to take a picture of the library, which was brimming with students, for documentation purposes. With Ryan absent, I couldn't put barcodes on the books alone, which would have been a challenging task. So, I decided to generate new barcodes, which I printed and cut in the morning.
After Vicente arrived, we collaborated to ensure that the barcodes were appropriately secured. We handed him the books, and he sealed them with tape to protect the barcodes from getting damaged or dirty, preventing them from being scannable. Additionally, we took some time to seal the half of the shelved books that I and Ryan hadn't completed the previous time.
At the end of a long day, we enjoyed a small snack and wrapped up our work.