Day 18

Day 18: Back to Barcoding Monday

On this Monday morning, Ryan, Vicente, and I gathered at the library to start the day's task of making barcodes. We set out to register new barcodes for the books in the library's database, a routine task that we had done many times before.

Throughout the day, we diligently worked on the books and managed to complete 800 of them with registered barcodes. Ryan was responsible for finding the necessary information about each book and inserting it into a spreadsheet, while Vicente meticulously placed the barcodes on the books. Meanwhile, I took charge of registering the barcodes in the library's database, ensuring that each book was correctly labeled and recorded.

After a long day of hard work, we took a much-needed break and shared a snack with Ma'am Regina, who had kindly prepared some delicious pansit canton for us to enjoy. It was a welcome respite from the day's activities, and we savored the opportunity to relax and recharge before returning to work.