Day 5
Day 5: Day One of making barcodes
Today's on the job training is a busy day, many thing had happened. In the morning ma'am Ruby Ann gets the account that has access to the database of the BUlib. Ma'am gives us the account password so that we can start doing our task to insert the barcode. Unfortunately after trying to insert the barcode that we make it gives us a error that it is duplicate, meaning the barcode that we make is already used in the database of BUlib after testing other barcode non of our barcodes has been successfully stored in the database. We talked to ma'am Ruby Ann about the issue and we suggested that we need to change the barcodes and add HSL- to make it unique and will not be a duplicate to other barcodes. We make a sample to be tested at the University Library barcode scanner because at the Health Sciences Library their is no barcode scanner available. With several attempts the barcode scanner can identify it. And around 10 o'clock we take a coffee break.
After lunch break, Ryan makes the barcode while I recheck the clientele satisfactory survey that ma'am Ruby Ann said to check. After we finished the task. We now login in to the BUlib with the account that has access to add the barcode. The process of adding the barcode at the database of BUlib is at first search for the title of the books in the BUlib and make sure that the call number and other information like author is the same and get the accession number of the book. The accession number can be used in the cataloguing register barcode to search for the book and add the barcodes.
All the book that have new barcodes is listed in a Google sheet so that we have a track of the book barcode ,title and it's accession number. To accomplish it we divided the task. I was assigned to copy the accession number at the google sheet and add the barcode at the database and update the sheet with the barcode I added to the database. While Ryan was the one that search for the accession number and store the title and accession number in the sheet. And the one that stick the barcode at the books is vincente he is also on a on the job training at the library.