Day 19

Day 19: A Day at the Library Celebrating Women's Month and Ensuring Safety

Today was a typical day at the library, with fewer visitors in the morning and an increase in the number of students as the day progressed. However, it was not an ordinary day because we needed to generate barcodes for our books. In the morning, we generated the barcodes, and in the afternoon, we printed and cut them into pieces.

Additionally, we helped Ma'am Regina and Vicente cut the printed paper for designing the outer part of the library. They were designing a poster to celebrate Women's Month, which is celebrated in March.
After we finished our tasks for the day, we took a break to enjoy some snacks that Ma'am Ruby Ann had provided for us, including coffee and bread.

Before closing the library, we took extra precautions to ensure the safety of our visitors by disinfecting the library with a high-quality disinfectant spray. This is a crucial step in preventing the spread of germs and viruses.

Overall, it was a productive day at the library.