Day 20

Day 20:
Today was my twentieth day of on-the-job training at the library. We began our morning by cutting and preparing paper decorations that were printed the previous day. Our focus was to create unique designs to celebrate Women's Month, which we then proudly displayed at the entrance of the library.

While we usually register barcodes for the books in the morning, we did not do so today. Instead, we utilized our time to create these beautiful decorations. Following our productive morning, we took a lunch break. Due to the current COVID-19 cases at the Nursing and College of Science, our supervisors, Ma'am Ruby Ann and Ma'am Regina, instructed us not to eat at the CS canteen. As a result, we had lunch outside the campus.
In the afternoon, we resumed our usual tasks of registering barcodes for the library's collection of books. Our workday continued until 3 pm when we took a much-needed coffee break. Overall, it was a productive day that allowed us to complete important tasks while also being creative with our decoration-making skills.