Day 22

Day 22: Monday barcoding and transport strike 
Today is Monday, and despite a transport strike, I managed to make it to the library. As I arrived, I met Ma'am Regina, who was on her way to attend the flag ceremony, and I accompanied her. After the ceremony, we returned to the library, where Vicente was waiting for us. Unfortunately, Ryan was absent.

We started registering barcodes in the morning, and around 10 am, we took a coffee break before continuing with our work. In the afternoon, after our lunch break, we ran into Ryan, and we resumed our work.

However, we faced a brief interruption when someone arrived to install internet and wifi. At 3 pm, Ma'am Regina bought some toron and soft drinks for us to enjoy during a break. As we were snacking, Ma'am Ruby Ann called us to go to the University Library, where they provided us with more snacks.

In the afternoon, we continued to register barcodes until 5 pm when we clocked out. Despite the hassle of finding transportation home, we all agreed that it was a great day.