Day 26

Day 26: Busy and Productive Day at the Library

Today is a wonderful Friday, marking the end of a long week and signaling the arrival of a much-deserved rest day. Many significant events occurred today, including Ma'am Ruby Ann's departure from the College of Medicine Library. Ma'am Flor will return on Monday from her leave, while Ma'am Ruby Ann will head back to the University Library.

Our day began with our usual task of registering barcodes. After completing the registration process, we took a well-deserved coffee break. In the afternoon, Ryan excused himself from the library to attend a meeting concerning his capstone project 2. While he was gone, Vicente and I continued our work, registering new barcodes.
At around 3 pm, we took a break and shared a snack with Ma'am Ruby Ann and Ma'am Regina. After enjoying our treats, we helped Ma'am Ruby Ann pack up her computers and documents to prepare for her move back to the University Library.

Overall, it was a busy and productive day at the library.