Day 40

Day 40: Day 40 of On-the-Job Training

Today was another day of my on-the-job training at the Health Sciences Library, and it was quite eventful. We started our day as usual, by registering barcodes on books, but we soon realized that most of the shelves were full of books that had no records in our library. It turned out that the records were available at the University Library, so we had to record the books in a separate sheet for future reference.
After completing our morning tasks, we took a well-deserved break and enjoyed a delicious coffee and egg sandwich. In the afternoon, we were interrupted by a group of students who were making a promotional video at the library. Once they finished, we resumed our work, and before we knew it, the day was almost over.

To end the day on a high note, we enjoyed some delicious turon for our afternoon snack. Unfortunately, the visitor we expected to come didn't visit at the College of Medicine Library they only visit the University Library, but it was still a productive and exciting day overall.