
Showing posts from March, 2023

Day 41

Day 41:  Today is Friday and the weekend is finally approaching. I spent most of my day at the library, completing my usual tasks of registering barcodes. However, I also managed to make time for my capstone project, which I had been meaning to work on for a while. In the morning, I asked ma'am Flor and ma'am Regina for permission to leave the library to focus on my capstone paper. I was grateful for their understanding and support. Later in the afternoon, I once again excused myself to continue working on my project. By the end of the day, my group and I had successfully completed all the requirements for our capstone project. To end the day we enjoyed a cup of coffee and a pandesal at the library for our snack. It was a simple yet enjoyable way to end the day. Overall, it was a productive day filled with both work and a little bit of fun.

Day 40

Day 40:  Day 40 of On-the-Job Training Today was another day of my on-the-job training at the Health Sciences Library, and it was quite eventful. We started our day as usual, by registering barcodes on books, but we soon realized that most of the shelves were full of books that had no records in our library. It turned out that the records were available at the University Library, so we had to record the books in a separate sheet for future reference. After completing our morning tasks, we took a well-deserved break and enjoyed a delicious coffee and egg sandwich. In the afternoon, we were interrupted by a group of students who were making a promotional video at the library. Once they finished, we resumed our work, and before we knew it, the day was almost over. To end the day on a high note, we enjoyed some delicious turon for our afternoon snack. Unfortunately, the visitor we expected to come didn't visit at the  College of Medicine Library they only visit

Day 39

Day 39: Registering Barcodes and Preparing for Visitor Today was a wonderful day, filled with productivity and progress. We began our morning with a steaming cup of coffee, which set the tone for the day ahead. The first task of the day was to clean the library. The cleaning was done, we spent some time removing tape residue from the floor. Our main task for the day was to register barcodes on books. We worked diligently, making sure each book was properly labeled and accounted for. In the afternoon, we continued with our task, and also took some time to print out important papers in preparation for tomorrow's visitor. We wanted to make sure everything was ready and organized, so that the visitor would have a seamless experience in the library. Overall, it was a productive day, and we're proud of the work we accomplished. We're looking forward to tomorrow, and to the continued progress we'll make in the library.

Day 38

Day 38: Productive Day at the Library Laminating, Barcode Generation, and Snacks". Today was another productive day at the library. The day started without electricity again till around 10 the electricity is back and I was able to generate new barcodes for the next batch of books.  Ryan was not around in the morning, and vicente is in the library today even though he finished last friday his on the job training he helps in the library. In the afternoon we laminate Identification cards and the new vision mission of Bicol University. And enjoyed some tea and a biscuit for snacks.

Day 37

Day 37: A Productive Day at the Library Today marks a productive day at the library as we resumed our usual daily tasks. Last Friday, the electricity was finally restored, allowing us to carry on with our work, including registering barcodes for books. We were pleased to have Vicente, who recently completed his training, back at the library, lending his assistance with the task. Ryan was initially present in the library today, but had to work on his capstone project. However, he was unable to continue his work in the library and didn't return in the afternoon  Throughout the morning and afternoon, we diligently registered barcodes in the books, ensuring that they were ready for circulation. We took a brief break to indulge in some snacks, including turon, before continuing with our work. Later in the day, I had the opportunity to accompany Vicente to the University Library to present his identification card to Ma'am Sha. It was a pleasant outing, and we returned to

Day 36

Day 36:  Electricity restored back to registering barcodes  Today started off with a hopeful start at the library, as the electricity had finally been restored. However, our plans to register barcodes were interrupted by the arrival of workers who needed to remove the window grills. As a result, the library was temporarily closed for the day to ensure a distraction-free environment for the ongoing work. In the late morning, we were able to resume our barcode registration work and continued throughout the afternoon, making steady progress towards our goal. Despite the temporary setback, we managed to stay productive and focused. To top off the day, we enjoyed another cup of coffee together, feeling satisfied with the progress we made. Overall, it was a successful day at the library, and we were back on track with our barcode registration tasks.

Day 35

Day 35: Fourth Day Without Electricity at the Library Today marks the fourth consecutive day that our library has been without electricity. Despite this challenge, we remain dedicated to our daily routine, starting our day with a comforting cup of coffee. Unfortunately, our colleague Vicente is unable to join us today as he has been invited to speak at a school in Sorsogon. However, Ryan and I are still here to carry out our duties. We are unable to proceed with our usual task of registering barcodes due to the lack of electricity. Instead, we have been tasked with delivering important papers to the University Library and the Dean's Office of the College of Medicine. Though this may not be our typical work, we approach it with the same level of dedication and professionalism. During our break in the afternoon, we were delighted to receive from Ma'am Flor, who provided us with suman and bihon for our snack. It was a pleasant respite from our hectic day, a

Day 34

Day 34: Third day without electricity at the library Today marked my 34th day at the library, and it was a day full of unexpected challenges. We start the day with a cup of coffee with ma'am Regina and ma'am Flor. The library was without electricity for the third day in a row. This meant that we were unable to carry out our daily tasks of registering barcodes on books, which was a setback for us. Despite the frustrating circumstances, we made the most of the situation. We took the opportunity to catch up on some much-needed rest, engage in meaningful conversations with each other. In the afternoon, we received an unexpected surprise. The dean of the College of Medicine gives free ice cream for us to enjoy, lifting our spirits and reminding us that even on challenging days, there are always moments of joy to be found.

Day 33

Day 33: Second day of electricity outage Today marks the second day of the electricity outage, which is still affecting our ability to carry out our daily tasks of registering barcodes at the library. Unfortunately, we are still unable to do anything in the library due to the absence of electricity. In the morning, Ma'am Regina and Ma'am Flor had to attend to some matters at the East Campus, which left us in charge of the library. However, with the power outage, there were fewer students visiting the library, which gave us a little break from our usual busy routine. Despite the limitations, we made the most out of our situation by having lunch in the library, and later in the afternoon, we enjoyed some pansit for a snack. This allowed us to take a breather and recharge ourselves for the tasks ahead once the electricity is restored. While the lack of power is still causing some inconvenience, we remain hopeful that it will be resolved soon so that we can

Day 32

Day 32: Monday flag ceremony  Today started with a patriotic event, the flag ceremony, which was followed by a fun-filled activity involving games and a question and answer portion with chocolate as the prize. However, due to an electricity problem causing low power supply, we were unable to perform our regular task of registering barcodes. As a result, we had to adjust our plans for the day. Despite the setback, I took the opportunity to be productive by requesting permission from Ma'am Flor to go to the College of Science to submit the application for graduation paper and work on our capstone project. It was a strategic decision to utilize the time productively despite the limitations we faced. Although we were not able to complete our usual tasks, we were able to make the most of the situation by focusing on other important matters. This demonstrates our ability to adapt to unexpected circumstances and find alternative ways to remain productive.

Day 31

Day 31: 31st day of registering and generating barcodes  On the 31st day at the library, the barcode generator was back in action. This day marked the end of a week and the start of the weekend. The team began their day by generating new barcodes using a website and creating templates using Canva. After printing 8 pages of paper with 36 barcodes per page, the team had a total of 288 newly generated barcodes. We then proceeded to cut them properly and Vicente cooked pansit for lunch. During lunchtime, we enjoyed the meal with Ma'am Regina and Ma'am Flor. Later on, we went to the college of science canteen to grab some drinks before returning to the library to begin registering the new barcodes. Before the day ended, we had a snack time with coffee, sandwiches, and leftover pansit from lunch. Overall, it was a productive day.

Day 30

Day 30: Rainy Day At Library Despite the rainy weather, our team persevered with our daily tasks at the library. We spent the entire day scanning and registering barcodes, determined to ensure that each book was properly catalogued for easy access and retrieval. Midday, we took a break to enjoy a hearty lunch of sinigang na baboy, which we shared with Ma'am Flor and Ma'am Regina. As we savored our meal, we engaged in lively conversation. After our meal, we ventured out to the College of Science canteen to grab some refreshing drinks. As we walked back to the library, we stumbled upon an ice cream vendor and couldn't resist indulging in a sweet treat. Upon our return, we resumed our barcode registration duties with renewed energy and focus. We diligently worked through the remaining books until all barcodes were affixed, ensuring that each volume was now properly accounted for in the library's system. As the day drew to a close, we wrapped up our

Day 29

Day 29:  Registering Barcodes and Enjoying Delicious Food Today was like any other day at the library, with our routine task of registering barcodes. But there was a pleasant change - we cook chicken adobo for our lunch break, which we usually take outside the library. We were thrilled to share this delicious meal with our Ma'am Regina and Ma'am Flor, and we had a great time chatting and enjoying the food. After lunch, we resumed our work and continued registering barcodes in the afternoon. We made good progress and the day seemed to fly by. As the end of the day approaches, we took a well-deserved break and treated ourselves to a refreshing snack of coffee and sandwiches. It was the perfect way to rejuvenate ourselves before we wrapped up our tasks for the day. Overall, it was a great day at the library. We got our work done efficiently and also had some wonderful moments of camaraderie with our colleagues over delicious food

Day 28

Day 28: Barcodes Registration and Cutting  Day 28 of our on-the-job training at the College of Medicine was just like any other day - full of new learning experiences and fulfilling tasks. The morning started with the familiar sound of the printer churning out newly generated barcodes. I was responsible for printing them out the previous day, and today, I worked with Ryan and Vicente to cut them precisely. Cutting the barcodes was a task that required a lot of attention to detail. We had to ensure that each barcode was cut to the exact size, and that the edges were clean and crisp. We took our time to make sure that every barcode was perfect, as we knew that this was important for the library's inventory system. Once we were done with cutting the barcodes, we moved on to our usual task of registering the new barcodes to the library books. This process required us to scan each barcode and assign it to the respective book in the library's database. We had

Day 27

Day 27: Meeting Ma'am Flor Today, we had the pleasure of meeting Ma'am Flor at the library. We greeted her warmly in the morning, welcoming her back to the library. To celebrate her return, Ma'am Ruby Ann and Ma'am Regina bought some delicious food items, such as pancit, suman, pandesal, lumpia, and coffee. After the warm welcome, we resumed our daily task of registering barcodes. We continued with the same routine until lunchtime. After the break, we returned to the library and began generating new barcodes. However, we had exhausted all the previous barcodes and needed to print more. Before we began with the new task, we took a quick break to enjoy some delicious chocolate courtesy of Ma'am Ruby Ann. Later in the afternoon, at around 3:30, I excused myself to Ma'am Flor and went to the registrar's office to get the application for the graduation paper. Once I got the paper, I hurried back to the library and resumed generating barcod

Day 26

Day 26: Busy and Productive Day at the Library Today is a wonderful Friday, marking the end of a long week and signaling the arrival of a much-deserved rest day. Many significant events occurred today, including Ma'am Ruby Ann's departure from the College of Medicine Library. Ma'am Flor will return on Monday from her leave, while Ma'am Ruby Ann will head back to the University Library. Our day began with our usual task of registering barcodes. After completing the registration process, we took a well-deserved coffee break. In the afternoon, Ryan excused himself from the library to attend a meeting concerning his capstone project 2. While he was gone, Vicente and I continued our work, registering new barcodes. At around 3 pm, we took a break and shared a snack with Ma'am Ruby Ann and Ma'am Regina. After enjoying our treats, we helped Ma'am Ruby Ann pack up her computers and documents to prepare for her move back to the University Libra

Day 25

Day 25:  A Day in the Life of a OJT in Library: Registering Barcodes, Lunch Breaks, and an Earthquake Drill Today was a typical day at the library, with our main task being the registration of barcodes. Unfortunately, Ma'am Ruby Ann was unable to join us as she wasn't feeling well. However, Ma'am Regina was present and we continued our work without any issues. After an hour of registering barcodes, we took a break to grab some food from the canteen. Ma'am Regina kindly treated us to some delicious meals, which we enjoyed thoroughly. Once we had finished our meals, we returned to the library and had a coffee break to recharge. After our coffee break, we resumed registering barcodes until 2pm when an earthquake drill took place. Everyone in the library, including the students, participated in the drill. It was a good reminder to be prepared in case of an actual earthquake. Once the drill was over, we continued our work with the barcode registration

Day 24

Day 24: A Day at the Library Overcoming Unexpected Interruptions and Accomplishing Tasks I arrived early at the library today and waited for my supervisor and on-the-job trainee partners to arrive. While waiting, I decided to grab an empanada. When my colleagues finally arrived, we all bought some food to eat before opening the library. As we were about to start our daily tasks, we were interrupted by a group of workers who came to install internet connections in the library. We had to wait until they finished their work before we could resume our tasks, as they needed to drill holes and install tubes for the wires. Once the workers were finished, we resumed our work of registering barcodes for the library books. We worked tirelessly until 3am, stopping only because the library was closing and we had to attend an event at the university grounds to welcome the new president of Bicol University. Overall, despite the unexpected interruption, we were able to accomplish our task

Day 23

Day 23: Typical day at the library It was a typical day at the library, and the team's task for the day was to register barcodes for library materials. I arrived at the library early, and along with Ryan, waited for Ma'am Regina and Vicente to return from their breakfast at Gigi's. When they arrived, the library opened promptly at 8 am, and i and Ryan decided to take a quick break to grab something to eat.  As we left the college of medicine building, you stumbled upon a vendor selling delicious empanadas, which we couldn't resist. The warm, savory pastry was a great way to start the day, and we were both satisfied when you returned to the library.  After we get back, the team got to work making barcodes for the library materials. The morning was productive, and they were able to register all the printed barcodes. Midway through the process, the team took a coffee break to recharge their energy levels.  In the afternoon, the team focused on gener

Day 22

Day 22: Monday barcoding and transport strike  Today is Monday, and despite a transport strike, I managed to make it to the library. As I arrived, I met Ma'am Regina, who was on her way to attend the flag ceremony, and I accompanied her. After the ceremony, we returned to the library, where Vicente was waiting for us. Unfortunately, Ryan was absent. We started registering barcodes in the morning, and around 10 am, we took a coffee break before continuing with our work. In the afternoon, after our lunch break, we ran into Ryan, and we resumed our work. However, we faced a brief interruption when someone arrived to install internet and wifi. At 3 pm, Ma'am Regina bought some toron and soft drinks for us to enjoy during a break. As we were snacking, Ma'am Ruby Ann called us to go to the University Library, where they provided us with more snacks. In the afternoon, we continued to register barcodes until 5 pm when we clocked out. Despite the hassle of finding transp

Day 21

Day 21: Registering Barcodes day 21 Today was a typical day at the library, where we resumed the process of registering barcodes for our collection. Our team of three, consisting of myself, Ryan, and Vicente, worked together to efficiently complete this task. As usual, I took charge of registering the barcodes in our database while Ryan scoured the internet for information on each book and recorded it in our shared Google sheet. Vicente was responsible for attaching the barcodes to the books and retrieving them from the shelves. Once the barcodes were applied, he returned the books to their rightful place on the shelves. In the afternoon, we continued our work of generating barcodes, working diligently to ensure that all of our books were properly labeled and organized. After a productive day, we took a well-deserved snack break. We enjoyed some delicious pansit and bread accompanied by steaming cups of coffee, which provided us with a much-needed boost of energ

Day 20

Day 20: Today was my twentieth day of on-the-job training at the library. We began our morning by cutting and preparing paper decorations that were printed the previous day. Our focus was to create unique designs to celebrate Women's Month, which we then proudly displayed at the entrance of the library. While we usually register barcodes for the books in the morning, we did not do so today. Instead, we utilized our time to create these beautiful decorations. Following our productive morning, we took a lunch break. Due to the current COVID-19 cases at the Nursing and College of Science, our supervisors, Ma'am Ruby Ann and Ma'am Regina, instructed us not to eat at the CS canteen. As a result, we had lunch outside the campus. In the afternoon, we resumed our usual tasks of registering barcodes for the library's collection of books. Our workday continued until 3 pm when we took a much-needed coffee break. Overall, it was a productive day that allowed

Day 19

Day 19: A Day at the Library Celebrating Women's Month and Ensuring Safety Today was a typical day at the library, with fewer visitors in the morning and an increase in the number of students as the day progressed. However, it was not an ordinary day because we needed to generate barcodes for our books. In the morning, we generated the barcodes, and in the afternoon, we printed and cut them into pieces. Additionally, we helped Ma'am Regina and Vicente cut the printed paper for designing the outer part of the library. They were designing a poster to celebrate Women's Month, which is celebrated in March. After we finished our tasks for the day, we took a break to enjoy some snacks that Ma'am Ruby Ann had provided for us, including coffee and bread. Before closing the library, we took extra precautions to ensure the safety of our visitors by disinfecting the library with a high-quality disinfectant spray. This is a crucial step in preventing the spr